Ignite Mission Convention IMC

PDN entered a partnership with Ignite Mission Convention (IMC) as part of our ongoing efforts to   engage and empower churches in Uganda for global mission, PDN and IMC launched and annual four-day Africa to the World Mission’s Convention targeting 500 participants drawn from pastors, church leaders, Christian professionals and Christian youth/students’ leaders who are passionate about mission.

The vision behind the Mission Convention is to ignite the passion of participants to the place of appreciating the need for the Church in Uganda to become a sending Church for global mission and intern be involved to mobilize their church towards the same goal.

Key partners in organizing this Annual Mission Convention are World Venture, Africa Inland Mission (AIM), Pastors’ Discipleship Network, and Simply Mobilizing Uganda.

Reforma, South Africa

PDN recently partnered with ReForma.

Re-Forma is responding to the crisis of insufficiently trained church leadership. Founded on outcome and impact-based assessment, Re- Forma provides recognized benchmarks for informal and non-formal biblically based ministry through a program which provides guidelines for evaluating the thousands of existing training programs for ministry competency and guidelines for start-up organizations wanting to train thousands of church leaders annually.

Living on the Edge (Chip Ingram)

PDN recently partnered with Pastor Chip Ingram. His ministry, Living on the Edge, has a vision to be a catalytic movement of Christians living out their faith in ways that transform families, churches, and communities for the common good and the glory of God.

Living on the Edge provides Biblical teaching and discipleship resources that challenge and equip spiritually hungry Christians all over the world to become mature disciples of Jesus.

New Thing

PDN also partnered with New Thing to train pastors in church planting and church growth. New Thing provides frameworks to catalyze movements. It’s a church planting movement that works to awaken the church to the importance of church planting and healthy church growth.

Dr. Val from Colide Consultancy

PDN Recently entered a relationship with Dr. Val who is a veterinary doctor working in one of the most remote and most hostile regions of Uganda called Karamoja. She has seen many come to Christ but had no pastors to care for those who were coming to Christ. PDN has been pleased to come alongside her to supply pastoral support to her work.

Church Transformation Network

Church Transformation Network (CTN) and Pastors Discipleship Network (PDN) entered in a partnership in 2022 to equip pastors and lay leaders in discipleship. This partnership has trained 500 facilitators, who individually, currently lead a discipleship hub that meets weekly with 10 members. Thereby impacting 5,000 Church leaders at community level.